5 Countries that Eat Bugs

5 Countries that Eat Bugs

5 Countries that Eat BUgs Entomophagy (the practice of eating bugs) has prevailed around the world as a delicious and healthy habit. Although historically entomophagy has been considered taboo in the US, it is gaining popularity here as a more sustainable, healthier,...
10 Protein Packed Breakfast Ideas

10 Protein Packed Breakfast Ideas

10 Protein Packed Breakfast Ideas 1. Protein Powder Yogurt This recipe gives you the chance to let your creativity shine! Using a mixture of cricket protein powder, yogurt, jam, and granola, you can make a deliciously healthy snack in just a few minutes. Try it with...
Why YOU Should Be Eating Crickets (Part I)

Why YOU Should Be Eating Crickets (Part I)

Why YOU Should Be Eating Crickets (Part I) Yes, you read the title correctly. I’m about to convince you why eating crickets is one of the best sources of protein you could possibly add to your healthy routine! It may sound a bit weird to anyone who hasn’t tried eating...
Why YOU Should Be Eating Crickets (Part II)

Why YOU Should Be Eating Crickets (Part II)

Why YOU Should Be Eating Crickets (Part II) Getting the right mix of nutrients every day can be a challenge. You have to be sure to choose foods that maximize your intake of your daily vitamins and minerals while also incorporating your necessary food groups. With so...