What is Cricket Protein and How Does It Help Athletes?

Cricket Protein is a type of protein derived from crickets, which are a sustainable and environmentally friendly source of protein. They contain up to 70% protein dry weight and they are also high in other nutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamin B12.

Triathletes can benefit from incorporating cricket protein into their diet to support their performance and recovery. 

Here are some potential benefits:

  1. Improved recovery: Triathlon training can be physically demanding, leading to muscle damage and inflammation. Consuming cricket protein after training can help reduce inflammation and promote muscle recovery, allowing athletes to perform at their best during subsequent training sessions and competitions.
  2. Immune support: Crickets are a source of immune-supporting nutrients, such as iron and vitamin B12 which can help support overall health and immunity.
  3. Easy to digest: Compared to other animal proteins, cricket protein is easy to digest, which can be important for athletes who may experience digestive discomfort when consuming other sources of protein.
  4. Versatile ingredient: Cricket protein can be incorporated into a variety of foods and beverages, such as protein bars, shakes, and smoothies. Triathletes can consume cricket protein as a snack or meal replacement to support their training and recovery needs.
  5. Complete protein source: Cricket protein is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that the body needs to build and repair muscle tissue. This can be particularly important for triathletes who require a high intake of protein to support their training and recovery needs.
  6. Sustainable source of protein: Compared to traditional animal sources of protein, cricket protein is more sustainable, requiring fewer resources and producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Triathletes can consume cricket protein as part of a more sustainable and environmentally conscious diet.
  7. Versatile ingredient: Cricket protein can be incorporated into a variety of foods and beverages, such as protein bars, shakes, and smoothies.
 Cricket Protein is a perfect choice for athletes looking for a sustainable, high-quality protein source. 

They can consume Cricket Protein as a snack or meal replacement to support their training and recovery needs.

Power Up with Cricket Protein!

Get your clean cricket protein before we run out again

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